Welcome To My Website (Under Reconstruction)
Endangered Animals Project:
This project was created during my first year of university for my Introduction to Web Programming module final assignment. I was required to create a website that contained an array of information about endangered animals, then create an interactive website through JavaScript that would let the user find out more information about each animals by selecting different options; for example selecting habitat.
Currency Converter Project:
This project was initially created in my first year of university in my Project 1 module. The website was only created to be used as a template to be screenshotted as part of the group report for what a website of our project would look like. However, in my free time i decided to develop the website into a fully functioning currency converter where you can select any amount and any currency displayed on the website through the use of JavaScript.
Mini Calculator:
This project was created during the summer after completing my second year of university. The project is a simple calculator website that is able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals and negative numbers. This is my own personal project with its code available on my GitHub page. The website was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Noughts and Crosses Project:
This project was created as a side project while i was on placement in my third year. It is a simple noughts and crosses game created in JavaScript, that allows users to take it in turns selecting a square and will announce the winner, ending the game, or will announce a draw if there is no winner after every square has been filled.
Hotel Bookings Project:
This project was created in my second year of university for my Web Development final assignment. The website is connected to a database that would upload the data submitted from a form displayed on the website, it would then save the information onto the database and display the details about each hotel submitted onto a separate page on the website. This website was created using HTML, CSS and PHP. (MY)SQL was used to gather/retrieve information to/from the database.
Student Information Guide Project:
This project was created in my second year for my Team Project module. The purpose of the website was to be an information site for students in Huddersfield ranging from: places to go out in Huddersfield, how to make budget meals and how to make your own cocktails. This project was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, with MySQL for database interaction containing the information for each part of the website. This has been my biggest project so far.